スクール紹介 大宮校

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大宮校 マネージャー 宮下 祐美


大宮校 マネージャー 宮下 祐美





In an effort to match the trend of “globalization”, Japanese companies are already in a race to gather young talents capable, at the very least, of communicating on the international stage. This need will only increase with time, and by the time your children are of age, it will be necessary to work in an international setting, even in Japan. However, reality is harsh—the English-language skills of Japanese citizens are among the lowest in developed countries, and as a uniquely monolingual, monocultural country, there is little chance to obtain a bilingual, bicultural experience.

Here at Blue Dolphins, children from two years old begin learning English—the same time they begin their overall language learning—and continue to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills throughout their three years of schooling. Then, by further developing their skills into their elementary years, putting an emphasis on the weakest typical areas of native Japanese speakers—speaking and writing—, our students are not only able to acquire the English skills needed for entrance exams, but practical English they can utilize into their adult life.

Further, because the classes are taught with a maximum of ten students, our staff members are able to communicate with the children one-to-one, and encourage them individually to increase participation. By actively engaging in the lessons from a young age, the children not only build their confidence, but also learn to understand and accept differences among their peers.

We expect that our students—your children—will grow to be global citizens who, not only can communicate on the international stage, but bridge Japan with the world.

Eva先生:Starfish Class(2歳(就園前)クラス)

Eva先生:Starfish Class(2歳(就園前)クラス)

Dear parents,

The brains of your children are uniquely suited to learn a second language between the ages of 0 to 3. It is never too early to start teaching your child a second or a third language. I grew up learning three languages. Language learning is one of the earliest skills your child can master. Learning a new language activates parts of the brain that would otherwise stay dormant.

The best way to learn English as a second(or third)language is through constant interaction between students and Blue Dolphins teachers, who are there to ensure that your child learns four basic English skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading. We also provide daily toilet training and basic table manners training.

I have been teaching English as a second(third)language for 25 years. Children learn languages from their caretakers- let me be one of them!




Ryan Ireland先生:Turtle Class(3歳(年少)クラス)

Amber Stephens先生:Ryan Ireland先生:Turtle Class(3歳(年少)クラス)

Hello! My name is Ryan Ireland. I am from Canada and grew up in the small town of Cobourg, Ontario. I moved to Japan almost twenty years ago. I now live in Kasukabe with my Family. I enjoy watching and playing most sports (especially hockey). I also enjoy gardening and cooking.

As a teacher, I firmly believe that children learn best when they feel safe, supported, and motivated. As a result, I prioritize building strong relationships with my students and creating a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere. I like to incorporating games, songs, and interactive exercises, I ensure that each lesson is not only educational but also fun for my students. It`s nice to meet you and welcome to Blue Dolphins!



Calieb Lopez先生:Seal Class(4歳(年中)クラス)

Calieb Lopez先生:Seal Class(4歳(年中)クラス)

Hello everyone my name is Calieb. I am from Oregon which is a state north of California in the US. I have been teaching for almost 12 years in both Japan and America. I have been working with young children for the past 22 years so I have learned a lot on how to talk to and work with young children.

I really enjoy working with kids as they really create a positive environment allowing me to enjoy teaching them. I feel that teaching should always be fun first and study second. I want the students under my care to enjoy their year as a Seal and make great memories.



Tyler Berge先生:Blue Dolphins Class(5歳(年長)クラス)

Tyler Berge先生:Blue Dolphins Class(5歳(年長)クラス)

Hi! My name’s Tyler. It’s nice to meet you! I’m the teacher of the Blue Dolphins class which is the oldest age group (ages 5&6) in our preschool program. I’m from Canada and was born and raised in a small city near Toronto. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in translation from Concordia University in Montreal as well as a TESL/TESOL teaching certificate. After graduating from university, I initially worked as a translator in Canada, but later travelled overseas to teach English. I taught in private preschools in Hong Kong and Istanbul, Turkey before eventually settling in Japan. I have happily and proudly been the Blue Dolphins teacher since 2011!

A little bit about the class:
One of the main goals of this class it to take the students’ English communication skills to the next level, so they can become fluent speakers. Like most other kindergarten classes, there are many arts & crafts and play activities for the children to enjoy as well as opportunities for them to develop socially and physically. However, in this class, there is a strong emphasis on speaking, reading and writing. The year is divided up into themes which range from simple topics such as animals, occupations and transportation to more advanced topics such as science, geography and history. Around the time of completing this course, many of the students are able to pass the Eiken level 3 exam and some students have even passed the Eiken level 2 exam within only one year after graduation!

A little bit about me:
My favorite color: blue
My favorite season: fall(Because I like the colors and smells.)
My favorite sport: ice hockey, of course!(It’s very popular in Canada.)
My favorite foods: pizza, watermelons and maple syrup
My favorite animal: dogs
My hobbies: reading, hiking(I do this A LOT)and watching ice hockey games
Musical instruments I play: piano, guitar and bass guitar





所在地 〒331-0814 埼玉県さいたま市北区東大成町1-624-1 ベルデ大宮1F
TEL 048-662-2810
受付時間 月曜日 9:30~14:30
火~金曜日 9:30~18:00
土曜日 10:00~17:00
定休日 日曜日、祝日

東武アーバンパークライン 北大宮駅下車徒歩5分
東武バス 上尾駅東口行きより赤芝下車徒歩1分
シャトル 鉄道博物館駅下車徒歩7分







月曜日 9:30~14:30
火~金曜日 9:30~18:00
土曜日 10:00~17:00



月曜日 10:00~14:30
火~金曜日 10:00~17:30
土曜日 10:00~17:00

